this article i clipped from Metropolitan Home back in 2005 (the magazine went out of business in 2009). today i spent time digging it up to illustrate an idea to our son. when i read it again, it clearly proves that a good design can withstand the test of time.
topiary plays a big part in the gardens.
when you are contented with life, you look extra lively.
a simple but practical kitchen.
i love the patchy yellow walls in the master bedroom. it was painted by conran's nephew morrison when she was an art student. now she is co-partner of sigerson morrison shoes.
the 30'x30'(!) master bathroom is serene and relaxing. the milk chocolate colored travertine, the gigantic double basins, the display of brushes, the round fireplace, and most importantly, the abundant natural light make it a sanctuary.
models of his furniture design line the shelves in his office.
the stack of little cabinets house his butterfly collection.
the guest room is my favorite with the original ceiling design. it is questionable why conran lowered the ceilings of most rooms from 12' to 8'.
the "garage hallway" aptly houses his collection of bugatti pedal cars on the wall. the color of the wall imitates his signature blue shirt.
the living room is my least favorite space of the house. its style departs from the intrinsic character of the house and takes on an almost shabby chic look.
this photo of vicki conran in the garden picking fresh crops with her hair blowing wildly in the wind makes their life in the house believable. it is more than a set prepared for a magazine shoot. i love it.