the title of this post might be a little misleading. by "first pick", i refer to the pieces jotted down as i browsed through the web pages in two minutes, essentially picked at first impression. why do i feel comfortable sharing this on the blog, you ask. because as much as i believe life should be lived seriously, i often remind myself to be light. so here's my "light" list of suggestions out of the net-a-porter sale (on accessories). let me know if you like!
this piece caught my eye immediately. love the polka dot tie.
margiela is margiela, even without margiela..
a more modern and edgy erickson beamon piece i've seen.
this piece is big and clunky, nice.
a substantial belt.
check out other images on the website. this is a handsome belt on the right dress.
the vintage clasp makes the belt.
i'm not always crazy about judith lieber's designs. but this piece can almost pass for a georg jensen, whose work i love.